Tuesday, August 22, 2006


huehuehue gi zibuk banged malah dikasi tugas ma arya. untung bisa selesai juga akhirnya

The Quiz
1. Do the following
2. Choose 5 persons to do this
wah mo milih sapa nich???

FavouritesFavourite Colour: black & red
Favourite Food: ayam goreng !!!
Favourite Song: maafkan-crossbottom
Favourite Movie: harry potter
Favourite Sport: jogging
Favourite Day of the Week: sunday
Favourite Ice Cream: campina

CurrentsCurrent Mood: Missing My Someone <<<<>
Current Taste: pedas, manis, asin,
Current Clothes: black T-shirt + jeans
Current Desktop: nature pic
Current Toenail Colour: ga suka. Itu batalin wudhu tauuu
Current Time: 04.00 am (when I pray, ask everything from god)
Current Annoyance: mati lampu tanpa konfirmasi dari pln
Current Thoughts: he, just him hueheueheue

FirstFirst Best Friend: onya, she is my cousin, my friend, my all
First Crush: ga ada.
First Movie: ga sempet nonton
First Lie: lupa hihihihi, bukan pembohong nich
First Music: indonesia raya. Nasionalisnya tinggi euy

LastLast Cigarette: cigarette??? No! never
Last Drink: air putih, always
Last Car Ride: angkot jurusan Simpul- swimming pool bulan mey kemaren. Hueheue.
Last Crush: ga ada. Ga suka yg kriminal2 sich
Last Phone Call: my funny friend, qombengk,
Last CD played: ga pernah lagi, ga sempet

Have you ever
Have you ever dated one of your best friends: Never
Have you ever broken the law: sometimes:D
Have you ever been arrested: blon.
Have you ever skinny dipped: ga pernah
Have you ever kissed someone you don't know: wew ga’ lah. Mending juga kiss monitor, hihihihi

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Kunjungan Abang

Kepergian orang yang kau sayang senantiasa menyisakan duka meski kau tahu bahwa memang seperti itulah adanya. Dia harus pergi tanpa dapat di...